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So here we are of the eve of a new year. A new decade. A new me? I doubt it. 

I am as guilty as anyone. When I wake up on the 1st January 2020 I want to arise at 6am, go to the gym, release my abs, spend less money and eat salad three times a day. Yet by the 2nd I will probably have made it clear to myself that maybe 2021 will be the year. 

It’s not all doom and gloom! I’m making some changes to how I make my resolutions this year:



1- Don’t expect too much from yourself.

Too many resolutions can be way too much to expect from yourself. What you should do instead in make small changes that allow you to reach them. A new year doesn’t change your habits or your motivations but it does give you a chance to reflect.

2- Build habits to last.

The number one reason people fail to keep up with their resolutions is that they are un-achievable. You need to want to achieve them. For example, if your goal is to wake up at 6am every morning and run everyday, this total shock to the system will make you less likely to sustain them. Why not start with the early starts, then introduce running at a later date when you get into a rhythm. This is what worked for me when implementing an earlier start into my routine.

3- Set long term plans in motion

Why is the start of a new year the only time you can make a change? Why not implement a new habit or positive action at the start of every month. This could be smaller steps building up to a main goal, or just lots of smaller ones that make a difference to your life.

4- Don’t be disappointed if you fail at first

If you don’t manage to hit that gym tomorrow, don’t manage to get out the door for that run or just really fancy a takeaway, don’t be disappointed. You can try again tomorrow. If you really believe in your goals you will smash them.



So how does this look in action? For me I have used this time post christmas to reflect on whats changed for me in the last year. 

When 2019 began, I was in my final year of university with no real idea of what I wanted to do with life. I was working a part time job with Office Outlet that I was too scared to leave. 

In April I took the leap to setting up Harbourside Visual with my friend and now business partner Phil. The long term plan was to take on more hours at my part time job whilst we found our feet.

By June I had finished University and Office Outlet had closed down shortly after I was promoted to Supervisor. This left me with no idea of my next steps, until I was offered a job at Moss Bros by a previous work colleague via LinkedIn. As a completely different sector of retail it was a challenge switching from print to menswear, but I am so glad I did! 


And from there it was upwards. Balancing both this job and Harbourside Visual hasn’t always been easy, but works. And now I look to 2020. I know what I need to do to grow my business so now it’s just a case of doing it. Not because its the new year, but because I love what I do and want to get to a point where I can do it every day. 

This blog will document all of this and more, from random ramblings to in-depth discussions about the world of business…..